
We strive to make the repair process as efficient as possible.


Repair Services

Our job is to work with you, ensuring a streamlined experience. We can use your internal systems and gather data straight from your repair hub.
Conversely, choose to use our online portal to submit a ticket and get in contact with a MicroK12 certified technician right away.

Repair Service Options

On-Site Repair & Next Day On-Site Repair
We understand that some jobs need to be done right away. Our technicians come to you for service and repair on location, eliminating shipping delays and long waits.

Device Pick Up and Drop Off
Attention to detail is everything. Sometimes, shipping a truckload of devices or on-site repair just isn’t feasible. That’s why we offer the option to pick up your devices and drop them off after we’ve finished repairs. Let us handle all the heavy lifting.

In-House Repair
Adaptability is what sets us apart. Our goal is to leave you happy with your experience, every single time. Leave logistics behind with the option to ship devices to our repair center.through industry leading endpoint protection and content filtering. MicroK12 focuses on Cloud-based systems that allow devices to be protected and traffic to be filtered to ensure CIPA compliance for both on premise and remote learning scenarios.


Communication & Customer Service

Have you ever had to wait months to hear back about the status of a repair job? At MicroK12, we emphasize communication and transparency throughout the repair process. We establish a direct line of communication between you and our service rep. If a question comes up or you want to check on the status of a device, you can reach out anytime.


Faster Turnaround Times

The Classroom Waits For No One

After 40 years in the education business, we understand that better than most.

Every Piece of Technology is Vital for Learning

That's why we make every effort to meet a 4-5 day turnaround. We rapidly diagnose problems, order parts, and make repairs so students can get devices back in their hands.

Mailing Address

3310 York Rd.

Lynnwood, WA 98087

Headquarters Phone


Toll-Free: 800-658-1000

Service & Repair


Toll-Free: 800-658-1000

Business Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST

Saturday - Sunday



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