MicroK12 has devices in stock and we're ready to provide you with all the ECF equipment you need. We've brought in thousands of ECF eligible items and have more secured through our distribution network. With shorter lead times and best in class support, MicroK12 is your ECF ready partner. Click here to download our ECF infographic.

What is ECF and how can it benefit my school?

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted the global community, and the way in which we interact with one another. It has changed the way we teach, the way we learn and, perhaps most importantly, the way in which students and faculty connect with each other. With distance learning becoming the new normal, finding room in the budget to facilitate remote learning creates its own set of obstacles.

The FCC has passed legislation that helps overcome the budget and technology restraints administrators face when creating a remote learning environment. The Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) has allocated over $7 Billion in funding to help provide schools with technology that is required to promote an effective and equitable learning environment. The ECF Program provides funding for devices such as Chromebooks, laptops, Wi-Fi hotspots and routers.


What does the ECF program provide?

Essentially, with governmental funding schools can overcome connectivity issues between students and faculty. The goal is to provide equipment for teachers and students to use in both school and in-home settings, although devices that are used solely at schools are exempt, the ECF will provide funding for:

Connected devices such as Chromebooks, Tablets and Laptops and Networking solutions such as Modems, Routers and W-Fi Hotspots.

How do I apply for ECF funding?

Applications for governmental funding can be a daunting task at the best of times, luckily, Microk12 Sales Reps deal with ECF funding on a daily basis. Let us do the heavy lifting! If you would like us to guide you through the funding process, reach out to your sales rep or contact a Microk12 sales rep. More information about the program is available at https://emergencyconnectivityfund.org, including information about how to apply.

What happens once we have been approved for ECF funding?

As always, Microk12 offers a full range of technology services on all devices. Your sales rep will be more than happy to guide you through the process from start to finish. From device enrollment to networking solutions, we do the heavy lifting!

Have more questions? Speak to a MicroK12 specialist today: edu@microk12.com

Brands we offer for eligible devices:
Mailing Address

3310 York Rd.

Lynnwood, WA 98087

Headquarters Phone


Toll-Free: 800-658-1000

Service & Repair


Toll-Free: 800-658-1000

Business Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST

Saturday - Sunday



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