3D Printing for Education Has Arrived!

3D printing is setting the path for a future in education. A company who has put their heart and souls into making this possible is Robo3D, building and designing high quality 3D printers that are affordable, easy to use and can be accessible for almost anyone.

With a 3D printer being implemented into a classroom setting, students will be able to fully emerge into the amazing capabilities these crafty machines possess. Starting off with doing fun project-based learning, by simply applying gained knowledge through education and skills to solve real world problems. Students will be able to devise their own level of understanding, that pushes them towards thinking of new ways to solve problems as they complete 3D printing projects. Given the tools – access to a printer, and skills – obtained through learning about the amazing capabilities of bringing ideas to life, students will be on their way to generating amazing creations.

What is the process of 3D printing?

Through Robo3D, they’ve implemented a complete 3D ecosystem that maps a process of tackling a project. Starting with desktop software, students can design graphics and imagery at their disposal. After initial designing is complete, students can print directly from a Chromebook and transfer what has been created through wi-fi over to the Robo 3D printer.

This is the fun part, watching something unique to the user being printed right in front of their eyes. You may be thinking, is it a long process to have something be printed? With the advancements of 3D printing, speeds have been cut in half!

A differentiating component of the Robo3D printers is they produce 25% larger print size than other top-rated 3D printers in class.

How is Robo3D designed for education?

Aside from educating students about the immense capabilities of these machines, curriculum has been created by Robo3D to engage and challenge students to reach their full potential.

Step-by-step user guides have been created to instruct how to work with what seems like a complicated machine. After careful reading and testing, students will become pros!

Do students have the option to build off a design made by Robo3D?

Yes, there are customizable print kits that can be used to make something uniquely yours. Consider printing a drone? Robo3D has made it possible to customize, print, and fly your own quadcopter drone. Be on the lookout for more kits to come!

Benefits of incorporating 3D printing into education?

First and foremost, it’s allowing children to become inventors. Where traditional lesson plans have been exhausted, a new age form of integrating classroom engagement enables students to have access and capabilities that support a highly technical career for the future.

If you’re interested in learning more about Robo3D, check out our featured products page to start printing!